If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,”
even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.
Psalm 139:8-12
My God, you say you’re here for me
But what if here is not where I can be?
Not here, not there, not anywhere
I’m gone and running, chasing air
My God, you are the one who stays
But I am always gone for days
And wonder, how long can you wait
for someone who is always late?
But you now say into my ear
something for my heart to hear
and my heart beats to the words you speak
You tell me of the things I seek
and the wings of dawn could not bring me to a place
that your fingers wouldn’t be able to trace
and if the wings of dawn would carry me away
to the ends of the earth, where night meets day
you would be there, your warmth in the air
the place to which the dark is drawn
where light escapes
and shadowy shapes
form the lands made by your hands
you’re with me when I ride the wings of dawn
and when the splinters of night are almost gone
melted to gold
sunrays unfold
and touch the skies where colours rise
you’re with me when I ride the wings of dawn
and the wings of dawn could not bring me to a place
outside of your reach and your embrace
and if the wings of dawn would carry me away
to darkness and colours washed into gray
you would be there, and despair would tear
What if I am too far gone this time?
Stuck in a place to which light can’t climb
entangled in thoughts of who I think you are
lost in my doubts
there’s no nothern star
With you is where I need to be
But look how quickly I will flee
Can’t seem to keep a promise I make
yet your words don’t crumble
they never shake
and the wings of dawn could not bring me to a place
that holds any fears that you wouldn’t face
and if the wings of dawn would carry me away
to where waves of sorrow roll into bay
you would be there, and like a fire, hope would flare.
Zu mim Gedicht und Psalm 139:
Psalm 139 isch mir währendem Reise mega wichtig worde. Nid nur bini physisch wit weg vo mim Dehei, ou innerlech isches oft schwirig zum würklech zur Rueh cho. DTäg si voupackt mit Erlebnis, dr Chopf isch gfluetet vo nöie Iidrück, es git immer no öpis zum bueche, plane und reservierä, und oft gits ou nid würklech ä Rückzugsmüglechkeit, ä Ort zum chli elei si.
So hanis oft sehr schwirig gfunde mir Zyt znäh für Gott und mi zwüschdüre ou wit weg gfüut vo ihm. Dür das chunnt när dAngscht uf dasi Gott irgendwie verlore h
Und die Angscht kenni ou guet i Zyte woni dehei bi, wiu irgendwo i mir inne dr Gedankä luuret, dasi irgendöpis fausch mache, fausch verstande ha, i mim Läbe dr fausch Fokus ha - was weni innerlech irgendwo fausch abboge bi und dr Wäg verpasst ha, wo mi eigentlech viu necher zu Gott würd füere? Was weni öpis überseh ha, was weni blind bi für das, wo mir Gott möcht säge?
Z'erschtä Mau, womer dä Psalm ufgfaue isch, isch gloub ä Teil dervo ir Tageslosig gsi, woni zuefäuig gläse ha, und di dZuesage i däne Värse hei mir mits is Härz gredet.
Si zeige mir, dasi Gott nid cha verlüre, wiu är mi immer und überau findet und nid ufhört, mi zu sich zzieh. I cha nid nöime si, wo är mi nid gseht, cha nid zwyt wäg si, für dass är mi cha heitraage. Und ds hani versuecht i mim Gedicht uszdrücke.