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At your heart

a dim Härz

Ds isch es Gedicht wo scho voar längerer Zyt entstande isch, imne Moment wo's mir sehr schlächt gange isch. Es isch nid sehr gschliffe und i hautes nid für bsunders guet, es isch meh äs ehrlechs Gebet woni i däre Form ufgschribe ha, zum mini Gedanke und Gfüu vor Gott abzlegä. Obwoui sprachlech gloub viles dra chönnt ändere, hanis mehrheitlech so la si, wienis ursprünglech verfasst ha, und zGfüu gha dasis möcht teile.

At your heart

Can you keep me safe?

safe when the storm rages in my mind

safe when my thoughts cannot be kind

safe when I’m lost and I can’t be found

Can you keep me safe and sound?

You hold me tight

in darkest night

and when I’m out there on my own

when to no one I am known

you remember

You remember and you hear my plea

you kneel down right in front of me

the tears I cry run down your face

and I see you with me in this maze

a shining light in a gloomy haze

a held out hand

in this dreary land

feet that stand

right next to mine

you turn so that our paths align

Still i crumble, my words a mumble

and my worn out fingers fumble

through the stories in my pocket

they’re like an empty candle socket

lack the fire and the light

remind me that it’s not alright

You say this is how it was planned

and I’m sorry if I misunderstand

but how could this mess be your aim?

didn’t you say you would call me by name?

And if you can’t explain, or not today

at least promise me you’ll stay

Will you carry me home and not let me go?

tell me I am safe because you keep me so?

safe when I run and I’m far from hope

safe when there’s no way I can cope

safe when your promise seems to fall apart

keep me safe here at your heart

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