I'm about to start a gap year that I've been looking forward to for a very long time. In this year I want to travel lots and be creative in many different ways. Because some people have asked me if I'll be sharing what I'm up to somewhere, I decided to start this blog.
On top of being a travel blog it will also be a space for me to share creative things - whether it be photography, writing, poetry or videos, stuff like that brings me so much joy and never ceases to touch me, and I would love to share bits and pieces of that with anyone who is interested.
I called my blog "Mirari." Mirari is a latin word that translates to "marvel/wonder/be amazed at". That's exactly what I want to keep doing and do more often: Marvel at the gift that I believe life is, at little and big things, at nature and God, the creator of it all.
When I watch the starry sky late at night, when light breaks through stormy clouds, when I get to hug a close friend or feel warm sunrays on my skin after a cold night, I can't help but marvel, and that makes me thankful and fills my heart.
You are welcome to read any blog posts that appeal to you and get a glimpse into my life.
Be blessed and bye for now :D